It is devastating for men to know and accept that they are unable to make his partner pregnant and become a father. Infertility brings a lot of emotional and social trauma in men because it is questioning their parenthood. It is a popular belief that infertility problems are related to women. But, the fact is half of the infertility cases are accounting due to Male Infertility at present. We at Angels Fertility have best team of male infertility specialists for Azoospermia Treatment in Hyderabad.

There are different types of infertility problems in men and Azoospermia is one of the significant kind causing fertility issues in men. Lets look deeper what exactly Azoospermia is and its Treatment.

What Is It Azoospermia?

Azoospermia is a type of Male Infertility and a medical condition where the semen – fluid ejaculated in men during orgasm; doesn’t have any sperm. In simple words “lack of sperm in semen.” Infertility is a condition which prevents a man from making his female partner pregnant after a year of unprotected regular sex. That means men or women should not use any control methods like birth control pills, diaphragms, condoms etc.

What causes azoospermia?

Azoospermia is broadly classified into two types based on the production and obstruction of sperm. This azoospermia condition is seen in 5% of infertile men.

Obstructive Azoospermia: It this condition sperm is generated inside the testicles. But if there is any blockage or obstruction in the reproductive tube that prevents the sperm from flowing outside is considered as Obstructive Azoospermia.

Obstructive Azoospermia

Causes Of Obstructive Azoospermia:

  • Genetic conditions
  • Infections of the male reproductive system
  • Trauma such as previous injury or surgery to the spine, pelvis, lower abdomen, or to male sex organs may cause azoospermia.
  • Varicocele condition

Non-Obstructive Azoospermia: In this condition, the problem of infertility arises due to sperm production, i.e. there might be no production of the sperm, or the quantity of sperm production might be very low.

Causes Of Non-Obstructive Azoospermia:

  • Using certain medication such as steroids, antibiotics, and medicines used to treat cancer
  • Smoking, drinking alcohol, drug abuse
  • Genetic conditions like Klinefelter syndrome and Kallmann syndrome
  • Abnormal hormone
  • Radiation used to treat cancer
  • Retrograde ejaculation caused due to bladder problems or due to spinal cord injuries, medicines, or diabetes
  • undescended testes – testicles that did move into the scrotum from the abdomen
  • Other environmental causes such as exposure to pesticides, heavy metals, extreme heat can affect sperm production

Signs & Symptoms Of Azoospermia

Inability to make your partner pregnant is the most common symptom of this condition. Some other possible symptoms of Azoospermia include:

  • Increased body fat, hair, and breast tissue
  • Clear, watery, or unusual white discharge from the penis
  • The appearance of swelling on the scrotum which feels or looks like a bag of worms
  • Stress or emotional pressure
  • Lack of sexual desire
  • Testicles which are soft, small, or can’t be felt
  • Enlarged, or twisted veins in the scrotum (varicocele)

If you observe any signs mentioned above, it’s better to contact a fertility doctor immediately.

How To Diagnose Azoospermia?

When you consult a fertility expert, he will ask some general questions about your health and the medicines you take, your lifestyle habits like alcohol intake and smoking etc. He might also ask about your sexual life like timing and frequency of your sexual activities, and other sexual problems if any. Later he follows the following procedures:

  • A physical exam to check the imbalance of your hormones like increased body hair, fat and breast tissue. A digital rectal exam (DRE) is also performed to check the prostate and other reproductive parts.
  • Blood tests to check overall health.
  • A biopsy procedure is performed to take a sample of your testicle.
  • Genetic testing to detect problems with sperm production, transport, or formation of reproductive organs.
  • An MRI is conducted to take the pictures of the pituitary gland to find other infertility causes.
  • Spermatic venography to check for a varicocele.
  • A scrotal or transrectal ultrasound test to check for a varicocele or any other missing parts of your reproductive system.
  • A semen analysis to check a man’s fertility
  • A post-ejaculatory urinalysis is a test done after you have ejaculated to look for sperm in the urine.

How To Treat Azoospermia Condition?

The treatment for azoospermia depends on causes. The treatment options include:

  • Medication is given to treat infections or inflammation of your reproductive system.
  • Percutaneous embolization procedure is used to treat a varicocele.
  • The sperm extraction procedure is used to remove sperm from the testicles or epididymis when there is an obstruction. The sperm
  • is saved and later used to fertilize a woman’s egg
  • Surgery might be the only choice to remove a varicocele or to repair a blocked vas deferens

It might be embarrassing and heartbreaking for men not being able to have a child, you no need to lose hope. There were a lot of medicines and medical procedures to overcome many such problems. For more information, call us or book your consultation with our Top Fertility Specialists at Angels Fertility Clinic right away to clear all your doubts, confusion and problems.