Couples opting for Fertility Treatment conduct research on different treatment alternatives and In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is one among them. The clinic offers a range of testing alternatives before attempting IVF Treatment. So as to make 100% progress, the infertility clinic conducts a host of tests. The terminologies surrounding the diagnosis could be confusing like PGC, CCS, PGS, and so forth. Along these lines, what do these letter sets depend on and how is it significant to improving the result of IVF. Genetic screening and testing are not the equivalent. Screening estimates the risk levels for genetic diseases while screening test get to the dimension of hazard the embryo may procure certain congenital disabilities.

Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)

It is the most usually utilized generic testing term while referring to testing embryos. The term has been utilized normally by reproductive endocrinologists and geneticists. The term is identified with testing embryos before transferring.

PGD came into practice in the last part of the 1980s as an alternative for a couple who have the danger of passing on genetic diseases. Rather than ending the affected fetus, the pre-birth genetic diagnosis can assist the couple with using IVF to conceive by transferring healthy embryos to be implanted into the uterus.

Commonly fertility centres use PGD as a term to refer testing specific genetic diseases, particularly patients who have a high danger of transmitting single specific genetic diseases, Tay Sachs infection, cystic fibrosis. This can be caused because of mutation of a gene in one of the couples. When one or the two parents can convey the transformed quality or an uneven chromosomal improvement, the test determine if the defective gene has been transmitted to the embryo.

Preimplantation Genetic Screening (PGS)

PGS is a term used to describe the screening of embryos to guarantee they have the right number of chromosomes and check for basic chromosomal abnormalities.

The procedure can be named as aneuploidy screening. when the genetic parents are presumed to be chromosomally ordinary, and the embryo is screened for aneuploidy. The PGS can possibly expand the achievement rate of IVF particularly for ladies more than 35 years, those victims of repeated IVF disappointments and repeating miscarriage.

Earlier PGS was conducted utilizing FISH analysis on a single cell restricted to 5 to 10 sets of chromosomes from the 23 sets. The new testing technique like the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) investigation or the comparative genomic hybridisation (CGH) encourages testing of the total 23 sets of chromosomes.

Advantages of Genetic Testing

The major benefits of genetic testing include reducing the risk of passing a genetic disease to a child and increasing the chance of successful pregnancy and birth rate from IVF treatment.

Nowadays, a lot of infertility issues are observed among couples. And these issues keep on increasing as the age of the mother increases. So, a lot of solutions for this problem are brought out to help couples to start their families. PGS is also one of the treatments that are provided by Angels Fertility Center