TESA – TESE ICSI (Testicular Epididymal Sperm Aspiration Or Extraction)
Sperm Aspiration is a procedure used to get suitable sperm from a testicle. The sperm that are gathered are intended to be utilized with ICSI (Intracytoplasmic Insemination) because there are generally insufficient sperm recovered to perform intrauterine insemination. Sperm Aspiration is helpful where there are very few or no sperm found in the discharge (Azoospermia Treatment).
There are 2 primary reasons why sperm might be missing from the semen:
Obstructive azoospermia is a condition wherein there is a blockage in the male reproductive tract. There is ordinary sperm production in the testicle but the sperm cells are caught inside the epididymis.
Non-obstructive azoospermia is a condition where there is seriously lacking or missing sperm production.

TESA represents testicular sperm aspiration. A needle biopsy of the testicle is done as an office procedure utilizing local anesthesia. A little entry point is made in the scrotal skin and afterward a spring-stacked needle is gently inserted into the testicle. The measure of tissue obtained is low because the thin needle removes only a thin sliver to tissue.
TESA, or testicular sperm aspiration (otherwise called TESE, or testicular sperm extraction) is one of the surgical sperms harvesting techniques utilized for recovering sperm in patients with azoospermia. Various number of surgical sperm retrieval or recovery strategies have been formulated to recover sperm from the male reproductive tract., however, testicular sperm need ICSI.
Testicular sperm extraction is indicated for patients in whom there is a blockage in the epididymis extremely close to the testis (either from earlier medical procedure, contamination or from birth), or a blockage inside the ducts of the testicles.
For patients with obstructive azoospermia in whom sperm can’t be found in the epididymis, it is constantly possible to discover sperm in the testis. The easiest way to recover this is through TESA or testicular sperm aspiration, in which the testicular tissue is sucked out through a fine needle, under local anesthesia. The testicular tissue is set in culture media and sent to the lab, where it is prepared. The sperm are freed from inside the seminiferous tubules (where they are produced) and are then dissected free from the surrounding testicular tissue.
Utilizing sperm from the epididymis and testis for ICSI in order to treat patients with obstructive azoospermia is logical, and thus conceptually easy to understand. In any case, surprisingly, it is possible to discover sperm even in patients who have testicular failure (nonobstructive azoospermia) – even in those men with exceptionally little testicles. The purpose behind this is absconds in sperm generation are “inconsistent”- they don’t influence the whole testis consistently.
Spermatid injections are currently considered experimental procedures. One drawback of testis sperm is that is does not freeze as readily as epididymal or vasal sperm and thus it is more likely that the male partner will need to undergo repeated procedures for each IVF attempt.
Angels Fertility Center is one of the Best Fertility Center in Hyderabad, Telangana offering wide range of fertility treatment like IVF, IUI, ICSI etc.