Laparoscopic conservative surgery for endometriosis

Laparoscopic conservative surgery for endometriosis

What is endometriosis?

The inner lining of the uterus is known as the endometrium. During a menstrual period, the lining of the endometrium is shed through the vagina. In endometriosis, sections of endometrium create in spots other than the inner lining of the uterus. These pieces may create on the ovaries, or sometimes on the fallopian tubes, the vagina, the peritoneum, or the intestine.

Most women find out about their diagnosis of endometriosis when they note pelvic pain or serious menstrual spasms. Endometriosis can likewise make it hard for a woman to become pregnant. Gentle types of endometriosis are normal and may not require treatment.

It is largely accepted that laparoscopic surgery is the main definitive approach to analyse endometriosis. In many cases, the disease can be analysed and treated in a similar technique. The success of surgery depends greatly on the skill of the specialist and the thoroughness of the surgery. The point is to remove all endometriosis lesions, cysts, and adhesions. Today, most endometriosis surgery is being done through the laparoscope, despite the fact that a full stomach entry point called a laparotomy may in any case be required in uncommon cases for extensive infection or bowel resections.

The latest examinations have demonstrated that endometriosis repeats at a rate of 20% to 40% inside five years following preservationist medical procedure.