If you and your partner have problems with fertility and are unable to become parents, then a fertility specialist will suggest a suitable fertility treatment. IVF is one of the most effective and successful assisted reproductive techniques used to promote pregnancy. IVF involves fertilizing sperm and egg in a laboratory and then the fertilized egg will be transferred to the woman’s uterus for the formation of embryo. Both the quality of egg and sperm play a major role in the success of an IVF treatment.

What is Sperm Quality and How Sperm Quality Affects IVF Success?

Sperm quality refers to the health of the sperm and its ability to fertilize an egg. When planning for IVF, there are several factors that can affect fertilization such as:

  • Sperm count: Fertilization chances are high when a single ejaculation contains minimum of 15 million sperm per ml. If the sperm count is less than that, then the chances of conception may get reduced. If your partner has low sperm quality, the formation of viable embryos is low and the chances of pregnancy also reduces.
  • Sperm motility: It is the ability of sperm to move efficiently through the female reproductive system. Many of the doctors consider normal sperm motility as 20 million moving sperm. In an IVF, only highly motile sperm are used and hence sperm motility is important for an IVF.
  • Sperm morphology: It is the size and shape of a sperm. It is also considered as a factor to evaluate a male’s fertility. In general, every sperm has an oval head and a long tail. The tail lets the sperm to swim towards the egg and the head portion contains enzymes to let it penetrate the outer surface of the egg for fertilization. If there are any abnormalities in the sperm morphology, the penetration ability of the sperm gets affected.
  • DNA fragmentation: It refers to the amount of abnormal or damaged genetic material inside the sperm. The DNA contains instructions to help form an embryo. In general, every man has some amount of DNA fragmentation. But if this percentage is high, implantation may not take place, can lead to a miscarriage, and can affect the success of an IVF.

With IVF, you can still achieve pregnancy even if your partner’s sperm count and motility are low. But, to achieve the best results from IVF, the fertility doctor considers a normal sperm count and motility.

Is There Anything That I Can Do to Improve Sperm Quality?

The testicles continuously produce new sperm and it takes between 42 to 76 days to mature a sperm. But age has an impact on sperm count, motility, morphology, and DNA fragmentation. However, the following can help promote sperm health:

  • Follow a healthy diet that is rich in nutrients
  • Practising regular exercise can improve your overall health and the quality of sperm
  • Avoid smoking
  • Reduce alcohol consumption
  • Reduce your stress levels
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Avoid exposure to toxic chemicals such as lead, pesticides, etc.

If you are planning for an IVF, it is important to follow the above-mentioned changes to improve sperm quality.

Willing to Undergo IVF Treatment? Angels Fertility is Your Go-to Place

If you are unable to conceive even after a year of unprotected sex, meet fertility specialists at Angels Fertility today. Our fertility specialists are trained in the diagnosis and treatment of male and female fertility and sexual health. We can find out the reason and provide proper treatments to start your journey towards parenthood. We do our very best to provide every patient with a solution that meets their needs with a less investment. If you have questions or want to know more about your treatment options, call us, and book your appointment today.