Do’s and Don’ts during IVF Treatment | Angels Fertility

Many studies have shown that one out of six couples faces difficulty conceiving naturally due to infertility. Advancement in technology offers many solutions for those couples and IVF is one of the most popular infertility treatments. Though the chances of success are based on various conditions, there are certain things that need to be followed and avoided to contribute to the success of IVF treatment.

List of Do’s During the IVF Treatment

Following are the list of do’s during the IVF process:

Know the process: IVF is a complex process and being aware of the entire process can make you feel confident to undergo it. The IVF process consists of a sequence of procedures to become pregnant. The process starts with collecting eggs from the woman’s ovary. The eggs are then combined with healthy sperm in a lab to form an embryo. After the formation of an embryo, it is transferred to the woman’s uterus to achieve pregnancy.

Know your hormone levels: Hormones play a vital role during the IVF process. The hormones in the body can cause various emotions such as sadness, anxiety, depression etc. Understand that it is normal during this phase and try to hold them.

Handle stress: Stress is a physiological response and it greatly affects your health. Hence, it is important to handle stress by following simple ideas such as meditation, sports, swimming, cooking, writing, drawing etc. Creative activities are the easiest way to get rid of stress.

Eat healthy food: Following a healthy diet is important for improving the functioning of tissues. You need to eat fresh fruits, vegetables, and protein rich food. You should avoid eating junk and processed food. 

Take vitamins: The diet followed before preconception is vital for a successful pregnancy. Prenatal vitamins are important for a woman. Women’s health is important and they should have enough nutrients for their well-being. You should talk to your doctor to know the best supplements for you and you should start consuming them a few months before the IVF process begins.

Sleep well: Along with controlling stress and maintaining a healthy diet, it is equally important to have proper sleep. You should sleep for at least 7 hours to maintain good health. You should also be emotionally strong to undergo through the IVF process.

List of Dont’s During IVF

Quit drinking alcohol: Studies have shown that alcohol has a great impact on pregnancy. Men who drink on a daily basis significantly reduce the success of implantation. Women who drink will have lower levels of estrogen and a lower number of eggs.

Avoid outside food: You should avoid eating outside food such as junk food to protect yourself from intestinal infections.

Avoid caffeine: There is much evidence that shows that caffeine can contribute to a failed IVF treatment. Though stress makes you consume caffeine, you should try to manage stress through other activities and cut down caffeine. Instead, a healthy diet, good sleep patterns, and exercise can boost your energy without affecting your pregnancy.

Avoid exercising for weight loss: Though exercising is suggested for good health, you should not exercise for weight loss. Avoid lifting heavy weights and try to avoid straining yourself physically. Instead, you can do weight loss exercises before starting the IVF process. You should do only simple to moderate exercises and avoid beginning a new exercise regime.

If you are planning to undergo the IVF process, you should start preparation from now and you can make use of the above mentioned tips. The list of do’s and don’ts helps you to be healthy from preconception through pregnancy.

Visit Angels Fertility Center to Know How to Prepare for the Process

Angels Fertility is one of the well-known fertility center’s in Hyderabad offering various fertility treatments. We have highly qualified doctors who have handled complex IVF treatments with a 100% success rate. We carefully examine you to know the reasons for infertility and will suggest suitable solutions for you. Call us to book your appointment with one of our doctors.