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How does low AMH affect Fertility ?

How does low AMH affect Fertility ?

The abbreviation of AMH is Anti-Mullerian Hormone and it is a protein hormone generated by the granulosa cells. The granulosa cells are the ones that help for developing eggs in the woman’s ovaries. AMH test is the best indicator of your reproductive health that helps...
Can you get Pregnant with Azoospermia ?

Can you get Pregnant with Azoospermia ?

Azoospermia is a condition where men do not have sperm in their semen after ejaculation. This condition is very uncommon and affects one out of 100 men. Though it is rare, it is a severe infertility problem in men. If your partner has this condition, your chances of...
Can Fallopian Tubes Cause Miscarriage?

Can Fallopian Tubes Cause Miscarriage?

Fallopian tubes are the reproductive organs in women that are thin tubes present on either side of the uterus. The fallopian tube carries the egg produced during ovulation to the uterus. If the fertilization of the egg occurs with the sperm, the fertilized egg also...