Earlier detection of PCOS for Fertility Preservation | Angels Fertility

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is an endocrine disorder in women that affects the functioning of ovaries and makes it difficult to conceive. It has become a common problem in women and it affects around 10-15 % of women during teenage. This condition is often referred as a syndrome to as it is a group of symptoms that occur together.

Women who have PCOS may not have periods regularly and it may go longer without a period. It indicates that ovulation is not taking place and thereby affects fertility.

What Causes PCOS?

The exact causes of PCOS are unknown. Doctors believe that PCOS is caused due to the increase of male hormones and genetics. This affects the functioning of the ovaries normally. It can also occur due to bad food habits, eating at late night, lack of exercise, and lack of sleep. These conditions further lead to obesity and thereby cause hormonal imbalances.

The risk factors of PCOS include:

  • Excess of insulin: Insulin hormone is produced by the pancreas and it converts the sugar in the food into energy. If the insulin is not properly used by the body, the demand for hormones increases and the body produces more levels of insulin. Hence, it causes the pancreas to produce more male hormones and causes difficulty for ovulation.
  • Inflammation: Research has shown that women with PCOS have higher levels of inflammation in their bodies. Being overweight can also lead to inflammation. The excess inflammation causes polycystic ovaries to produce more androgens.
  • Heredity: Women with a family history of PCOS and type 2 diabetes are at a higher risk of developing PCOS than normal women.
  • Excess production of androgen: If the ovaries produce high levels of androgen, it causes acne.

Signs and Symptoms of PCOS

PCOS is one of the main causes of infertility in women. 30% of fertility issues in women are due to PCOS and is mainly seen in women between the age groups of 20 and 30. Therefore, it is important for every woman to be aware of the signs and symptoms of PCOS.

The signs and symptoms of PCOS vary and the common symptoms include the following:

  • Irregular or long periods is the main symptom
  • Excessive growth of facial and body hair due to increased levels of male hormones
  • Sudden weight gain and will have difficulty to losing weight
  • Difficulty to become pregnant
  • Thick skin patches at the neck, armpits, and below the breasts
  • Small pieces of extra skin on different areas such as neck and armpits

Apart from the above-mentioned symptoms, there is another main symptom which cannot be recognised by you. It is the presence of cysts which are small sacs filled with fluid in the ovaries. To know if you have this symptom, you should visit a doctor and should undergo tests and diagnosis.

Diagnosis for PCOS

To diagnose you with PCOS, you should have at least two or three symptoms of PCOS. There is no single test to determine PCOS. The doctor will collect the required information such as your menstrual cycle, medical history, and will conduct diagnostic tests. He also asks you about the symptoms such as acne, facial hair growth, and difficulty losing weight etc.

Your doctor may perform a transvaginal ultrasound scan to know if the ovaries show up PCOS by producing more immature follicles on the ovaries. The doctor may also conduct blood tests to measure certain hormones in the body.

Treatment for PCOS

Identifying the symptoms at the early stages can help treat and manage PCOS. Insulin resistance of the body can be improved by following proper diet and exercise. This helps to prevent the complications associated with PCOS such as infertility. PCOS can be treated well by following a simple treatment at the right time. If it is left untreated for a long time, it can cause serious health problems.

Making changes in lifestyle habits such as eating healthy food, practising exercise, etc. can contribute to preventing PCOS. In terms of medicines, it focuses on balancing the hormone levels and to making periods regular. In most cases, PCOS can be treated with medications and lifestyle changes.

If the treatment does not work, your doctor may decide on reproductive surgery after conducting a vaginal ultrasound scan.

PCOS Affecting your Fertility? Visit Angels Fertility Today

Angels Fertility is one of the top fertility centers in Hyderabad. We have a team of specialists trained in hormone disorders, infertility, and female reproductive medicine. We also recommend dieticians and other specialists to help with weight loss and stay healthy. All our fertility specialists work together to determine the best treatment for you. Do not delay and visit Angels Fertility to improve your chances of conceiving.