All You Need to Know About Oocyte Vitrification | Angels Fertility

Our lives have become easy with the advancement in technology. Technology has also played a role in the medical field where treating several chronic conditions has become easy. Along with this, women who are willing to postpone their motherhood due to carrier goals or any other reasons can now preserve their eggs at young age. This process is called oocyte vitrification.

Many women who are scared about infertility, advanced maturity age, hormonal problems, etc. can take advantage of the oocyte vitrification process. It is the process of freezing the eggs when you are young and the egg is called oocyte.

What is Oocyte Vitrification?

Oocyte vitrification, also known as oocyte freezing is a method used to preserve female fertility. Though motherhood is a beautiful experience, being a mother is not an easy job and your responsibilities also increase with motherhood. Some women would like to postpone their motherhood to achieve their career dreams. In those cases, oocyte vitrification can be a great choice. By preserving, you no longer need to worry about your fertility in the future. By vitrification of the oocyte, the quality of the eggs remains the same as they had before been frozen.

When Is Oocyte Vitrification Recommended?

Oocyte vitrification is suitable for women who are not willing to become a mother now. But would like to be a mother in the future. It is suitable for the following women:

  • Who are willing to postpone their motherhood due to some personal or professional reasons
  • Who have medical issues that can lead to infertility such as sickle cell anaemia, gender diversity, etc.
  • Who needs to undergo treatment for certain medical conditions such as cancer
  • Who wish to preserve their egg to become pregnant in the future
  • Who had two or more ovarian surgeries
  • Who are poor responders to fertility medications and preimplantation genetic diagnosis is required

How to Prepare for Oocyte Vitrification?

If you are planning for oocyte vitrification, you should visit a fertility centre who are expertise in this process. You can talk to the doctor before deciding on preserving your egg. Once you decide to freeze your eggs, you need to do the following:

  • Ovarian reserve test: This test helps to know the quality and quantity of eggs in your ovaries by measuring your hormone levels. It uses a combination of tests such as follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), anti-Mullerian hormone and estradiol. These tests are performed on the third day of your menstrual cycle.
  • Infectious disease test: You also need to undergo certain infectious disease tests to look for any infectious diseases such as HIV.

What Does Oocyte Vitrification Involve?

Oocyte vitrification is a solidification process. The steps involved in oocyte vitrification are the same as IVF. The steps include the following:

  • Ovarian stimulation: During a natural menstrual cycle, only one egg is produced. Ovarian stimulation helps to obtain more eggs during each cycle. For this, you will be given medications in the form of injections. During this phase, you will be under continuous monitoring using blood tests and ultrasound. This helps to know whether your ovaries are responding to the medications. Based on the response of the ovary, the entire process can take up to 12 days. After 12 days and when the follicles have grown in size and are in adequate number, HCG hormone is injected to mature the eggs.
  • Egg retrieval: To retrieve eggs, the doctor performs a transvaginal ultrasound aspiration with gentle sedation. Under ultrasound control, the follicles are assessed for matured eggs. Then, multiple eggs will be retrieved from the follicles using a needle. It is a minor procedure and it takes around 15 minutes.
  • Vitrification of oocytes: It is the final step and is performed in a laboratory. The unfertilized eggs are cooled by treating them with cryoprotective substances and by submerging them in liquid nitrogen at -196 degrees Celsius. The cooling of eggs helps prevent the formation of crystals and ensures to preserve the quality of eggs.

The entire procedure takes around 10 to 15 days. The ideal age for undergoing oocyte vitrification is before your 30s. However, the results are good even when you do it in your 35s. But if you undergo this process after 35 years of age, the results may not be effective.

Need More Information About Oocyte Vitrification? Visit Angels Fertility Today

Angels Fertility Center has several years of experience in several specialised fertility treatments. We are well-known in Hyderabad for our quality and affordable services. We follow a patient-centric approach and this sets us apart from other fertility clinics. Our team of qualified doctors are always available to answer any questions you may have. To know what we can do for you, visit our clinic or you can schedule an appointment by making a phone call.