Infertility in women has become a common problem these days due to various reasons. A woman is considered infertile after involving in unprotected sex for more than six months and still unable to have a baby. With the emerging technology, infertility can be treated and it is possible for a couple can have a baby. Though infertility can be due to various reasons, most problems are related to the cervix and the uterus.
Common Cervical and Uterine Problems That Cause Female Infertility
If a woman has a problem with the uterus or cervix, it can affect her chances of conceiving as they play a major role in pregnancy. However, problems with the cervix and uterus can be due to various causes such as the following:
- Fibroids: Fibroids are the non-cancerous benign tumours in the uterus and they can block the fallopian tubes. As a result, the fertilized egg cannot travel to the uterus for implantation and pregnancy cannot take place. Fibroids also deform the shape of the endometrial cavity.
- Asherman syndrome: This condition causes scar tissues inside the uterus. If the scar tissues are severe, uterus walls get stuck with each other and affect fertility. They need to be removed through surgery to have a baby.
- Endometriosis: It is a condition where the endometrial tissue grows outside the uterus. As a result, it affects the functioning of reproductive organs such as the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries.
- Polyps: Polyps are tissue growths that resemble small bumps. They are not cancerous in most cases, but they can be cancerous in some cases. There are two types of polyps namely uterine polyps and cervix polyps. Uterine polyps grow on the wall of the uterine where cervix polyps grow in the cervix. Both can affect the fertilization process and the progression of the embryo.
- Previous history of surgery: Women who have undergone a cervical cone biopsy or a dilation and curettage previously can face difficulty with conception. This is because the procedures may sometime damage the cervix and uterine lining. But this happens in very rare cases.
- Malformations: Some people may burn with malformation of reproductive organs such as fallopian tubes and uterus. Malformations cannot let the organs develop well and hence the fertility gets affected.
- Absolute uterine factor infertility: It is a condition where the woman’s uterus cannot function well or the uterus is absent. As the uterus is the main reproductive organ, a woman with this condition cannot become pregnant. Absolute uterine factor infertility is of two types namely congenital and acquired. Congenital is a type where a woman is born without a uterus. The acquired type is the one where the uterus is removed due to medical reasons.
- Cervical mucus problems: Cervical mucus is a fluid like discharge from the cervix glands. Its thickness keeps changing throughout menstruation due to the changes in hormones. If there are any abnormalities or problems in cervical mucus, the movement of sperm from the vagina and the cervix gets obstructed.
- Anti-sperm antibodies in cervical mucus: The anti-sperm antibodies in the cervical mucus fight against the sperm. This is because the immune system mistakenly considers sperm as invaders and attacks it. Therefore, they do not let the sperm penetrate into the uterus or can affect their mobility.
Visit Angels Fertility Today to Manage the Cervix and Uterine Problems and Increase Your Chances of Pregnancy
Angels Fertility is one of the best fertility centers in Hyderabad as they can treat fertility problems in both men and women. We are familiar with various infertility problems and we are well versed to deal with them. We understand the pain of not being able to conceive and we try our best to help you. We provide our services at reasonable prices so that everyone can afford them. To know more or schedule your appointment, call us.