How does PCOD affect Fertility? | Angels Fertility

In this modern era, most of the girls worry about their complexion. Suddenly if you observe something going wrong with your body, i.e., the odd changes in your body like weight gain, sudden pubic hair growth, abnormal periods, you must consult a doctor immediately.
Girls should understand that there might be some underlying reasons behind these odd health issues and require medical intervention. The above abnormal symptoms might indicate a PCOD problem.

Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD) – Polycystic ovary disease is a common hormonal disorder in females that alters the normal functions of the reproductive system. Studies show that nearly 5-10 % of the women in India might suffer from PCOD, and it is one of the reasons for infertility in women. Often, it is confused with PCOS; an endocrine system disorder where the released eggs are not mature. These eggs forms like fluid sacs known as cysts. Whereas PCOD is caused due to hormonal Imbalance in which the eggs released group up together forming cysts. If PCOD left untreated, it leads to adverse and long-lasting health conditions in women. It also delays pregnancy.

How Does PCOD Affect Fertility?

Infertility is one of the symptoms of PCOD. In general, ovaries produce female sex hormones and small amounts of male sex hormones as well. Interestingly, women require some quantity of male hormones for their body to function normally. These hormones together help to develop eggs and the processes the regular menstrual cycles. However, in some women, there is an imbalance in these sex hormones, and the ovaries begin to produce larger amounts of androgens than is normally needed.

This excess production of androgens interferes with the natural process of ovulation, results in abnormal menstrual cycles and some other health problems. Some studies say that in women with PCOD, the pituitary gland secretes excess amount of LH (Luteinizing Hormone) into the blood. In such conditions, the follicles fail to mature, and the ovulation may not take place. This can lead to infertility.
Apart from uneven periods, women with PCOD might experience various other symptoms which include:

Symptoms of PCOD

  • Excessive facial hair and body hair growth due to hormonal (androgens) Imbalance called hirsutism.
    Hormonal Imbalance can result in mood swings.
  • Most of the women with PCOD feel depressed.
  • It is said to be that women with PCOD are at risk of type-2 diabetes mellitus, because of insulin resistance.
  • Hormonal changes result in acne growth.
  • Women with PCOD have high levels of insulin production and testosterone production that results in weight gain.
  • Excessive hormone levels make your skin oily and produce acne on the face.
  • Women with PCOD are at greater risk of heart disease as age increases. It is because of higher insulin production which leads to
  • increase the risk for elevated triglycerides(a type of fat in the blood), low levels of high-density lipoprotein (HDL), high cholesterol, blood pressure(BP), and atherosclerosis increases the risk of heart diseases.
  • If women have irregular periods continuously, it increases the risk of uterus cancer.
  • PCOD is also associated with the risk of breast and endometrial cancers.

If you observe these symptoms in you, Visit Angels Fertility Clinic, and schedule an appointment for PCOD diagnosis & get proper treatment.
The exact cause of these hormonal imbalances is not fully understood. It is though to be that a “combination of genetic and environmental factors might be the root cause of PCOD. If your family members have PCOD, then you are at a higher risk of inheriting this condition.

Can You Conceive With PCOD

How does pcos affect fertility

PCOD impacts fertility negatively, but this doesn’t mean a woman with PCOD not able to conceive. However, women with this condition able to conceive with the help of medical intervention and lifestyle changes.

“Lifestyle developments such as healthy diet, regular exercise, and maintaining a healthy weight, is very important for women with PCOD. A healthy diet with fewer carbohydrates and consuming more fruits and vegetables can help to improve the condition. If PCOD is controlled, eventually the infertility problem can also be managed.

Treatments of PCOD

Diet for PCOD: PCOD women should consume more Green leafy vegetables, broccoli, antioxidant-rich fruits, fatty fish, protein foods, and should take more water. Avoid dairy products, fish, red meat, junk foods, and food rich in Carbohydrates.

Exercises for PCOD: Along with your diet, regular exercising, morning walk, yoga, and meditation will help you to reduce the risks caused by PCOD.

Medication for PCOD: Combination birth control pills, Progestin therapy to regulate your periods and some other medication can help you to control other symptoms. Medication should be used only under the guidance of a fertility expert.

Surgery for PCOD: Laparoscopic surgery is performed to remove the ovarian cysts that cause problems. The surgical procedure can restore normal ovarian functions.

PCOD is a widespread disorder in many women of reproductive age. There is no particular cause detected. Early diagnosis and treatment can reduce adverse effects. We, at Angels Fertility Clinic, have a team of experienced fertility experts who can help you to conceive and a child even with PCOD. For more information, consult our Fertility doctors in Hyderabad.